McDonald Electrical Corporation


McDonald Electrical Corporation specializes in the installation of power distribution systems, lighting and lighting control systems.




Org chart

Michael McDonald

Thomas A. Cooney
Vice President
Mike Lee
Safety Director
Robert Royle
Chief Estimator
Scott Fallon
Division Manager, MEC Power Group
Brion Wynn
Customer Solutions Manager, Security, Controls & Electrical Service
Dave Keenan
Service Division Manager
Adam Crosby
General Project Foreman
Bill Pero
Senior Project Manager
Connor Fallon
Project Estimator
Dan Roman
Project Manager
David Viau
Superintentent/Project Manager/Estimator
Jamie Lee W.
Project Manager
Jonathan Lawlor
Assistant Project Manager
Julie A. Power
Project Manager
Michael Anderson
Project Manager / Estimator
Morgan McGowan
Project Manager
Richard Monahan
Customer Support - Business Development Manager
William Weinstein
Project Manager