Exceptional Living Centers

1 follower

For 25 years, Exceptional Living Centers has provided professional health care management services throughout the United States. Our wide range of services includes areas such as clinical and operations management, marketing, finance, centralized business office, human resources, legal and complian... Read more





Org chart

Tom Watts
President & CEO

Tom Watts

Rod Brewer
Vice President of Technology
Leslie Austin
Chief Rehab Officer
Carol Gibson
Vice President of Human Resources
Angela Sutton
Senior Vice President of Operations
Nicolle Meade
Vice President Of Strategic Initiatives
Kylie Waters
Chief Financial Officer
Sphr-Ca Donna Eddings
Vice President And Chief Human Resource Officer
David Craig
Executive Vice President And Chief Operating Officer
Apryl Kelly
VP, Clinical Education/Regulatory Support
Teri Fallon
Vice President Of Clinical Services