Mediclinic Middle East

1 follower

Mediclinic Middle East is part of Mediclinic International, a private hospital group with three operating platforms in Southern Africa (South Africa and Namibia), Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates, and a 29.9% shareholding in Spire Healthcare, a UK-based healthcare group with 38 hospitals. M... Read more





Org chart

Hein van Eck's profile picture
Hein van Eck
Chief Executive Officer
Profile photo

Hein van Eck

Augustine Amusu's profile picture
Augustine Amusu
Chief Information Officer
Barry Bedford's profile picture
Barry Bedford
Chief Operating Officer
Michèle Rosso
Chief Financial Officer
Pietie Loubser's profile picture
Pietie Loubser
Chief Clinical Officer
Willie Willemse's profile picture
Willie Willemse
Chief Strategy Officer
Zainab Alsaffar's profile picture
Zainab Alsaffar
Chief HR Officer