The real world is now a multi-dimensional universe of decision makers, evidence needs and healthcare systems requiring a connected, systematic and dynamic approach to medical and evidence planning, data dissemination, stakeholder engagement and education. The opportunity extends beyond traditional... Read more




Org chart

Alex Morton
Senior Vice President (practice Lead), Patient Engagement
Betsey King
Senior Vice President Client Services
Vishali Patel
Chief Financial Officer, Medistrava, An Inizio Company
Adam Bianchi
Director Of Medical Strategy
Sarah Waterson
Evidence Strategy & Access Lead
David Woods
Vice President Medical Analytics And Innovation, Portfolio Lead
Anthony Haywood
Vice President, Clinical Trials Optimization
Lucy Blundell
HR Director
Matt McGinley
Global Talent Acquisition Lead
Alex Taylor
Principal Analyst
Josh Rodman
Vice President
Brandon Boland
Svp, Global Portfolio Lead