Mental Health Association in New Jersey


Mental Health Association in New Jersey promotes mental health for children and adults through advocacy, education, training, and services. They are committed to promoting excellent mental health for all New Jerseyans, removing barriers that prevent too many individuals from seeking or receiving aid... Read more


Springfield, US




Org chart

Carolyn Beauchamp
President and CEO

Carolyn Beauchamp

Merrill Altberg (She, Her, Hers)
Director Of Communications
Kelly Uhland
Assistant Director Of Education And Outreach- Consumer Connections
Racheal O'Dea
Chief Administrative Officer
John E. Rogers
Director - NJ Mental Health Players
Ruth Kaluski
Statewide Director Of Strategic Programs And Mental Health First Aid
Eric Swanson
Peer Support Specialist
Taisha Mathieu (BS,MS)
Prevention Specialist
Bsw Kristen Reid-Ortiz
Social Work Intern
Orlando Rivera
Post Worker
Parantap Pandya
Clinician, Interventionist, Life & Family Coach.
Tricia Russo
Quality Assurance Coordinator