Susana Delgado

Scientific Advisor & Co-Founder at Microviable Therapeutics

Dr. Delgado is currently a Principal Investigator at IPLA-CSIC and is co-founder and scientific advisor of Microviable Therapeutics. Susana obtained her PhD in Biology at the University of Oviedo in 2005 with the PhD thesis focused on “Human Intestinal Microbiota: Analyses and evolution of representative bacterial populations and identification of novel probiotics”. Since then, Dr. Delgado has focused her research on human microbiota, particularly on ecology and microbial dysbiosis, leading research projects on intestinal microbiota, health and diet. She has ongoing international projects and collaborations with research centres and clinicians across institutions and countries.

Susana Delgado has published more than 90 scientific manuscripts and is the co-author of several patents, three of them licensed to industry. In 2018, she received the Hipócrates International Award on nutrition Research by the Royal Medicine Academy of Asturias, thanks to her advanced scientific work on IgE non-mediated infant allergy to milk proteins and intestinal microbioma interaction. At present, she is the Coordinator of the Innovation Committee of the Biosanitary Institute of the Principality of Asturias.