Midwest Energy, Inc.


Midwest Energy, Inc., headquartered in Hays, Kan., is a customer-owned electric and natural gas cooperative providing safe, reliable and efficient energy services to 50,000 electric and 42,000 natural gas customers in 41 Central and Western Kansas counties. The company has 285 employees operating f... Read more


Hays, US




Org chart

Pat Parke
Chief Executive Officer

Pat Parke

Mike M.
Director, Corporate Communications & Government Affairs
Casey L.
Scada Manager
Ken Burruss
Manager Reliability Compliance
Schamra Detherage
Vice President Human Resources
Aaron Rome
Vice President Of Energy Supply
Justin MacDonald
Vice President Customer Service
Hali Bielser
Director, Project Management Office
Chanda Homewood
Gas Supply Manager
Chuck Staab
Safety Manager
James A. Wright
Key Account Manager
Adam Falcon
Datacenter Systems Engineer
Bill Dowling
V.p Engineering & Energy Supply
Ron Vanepps
Network Administrator
P. Eng Ruwan Weerasundara M. Sc
Principal Distribution Engineer
Steven Grant
Information Technology Specialist