Saam Shahrokhi

Chief of Staff to the CTO at Mission Barns

Saam Shahrokhi is the current Chief of Staff to the CTO at Mission Barns. Prior to this, Shahrokhi worked as a Tissue Engineering Specialist at CAS from September 2017 to March 2018, and as a Cellular Agriculture Researcher at JUST from June 2017 to April 2018.

Shahrokhi's research experience began at UCSF: The Gartner Lab, where they worked from January 2016 to September 2016 as a researcher. Their project involved understanding how myoepithelial cells (MEPs) and luminal epithelial cells (LEPs) self-organize in the mammary gland to form a bilayered architecture. Measurements of cell cortical tension and interfacial energies were taken in lab for the interaction of MEPs, LEPs, and the extracellular matrix. Using these measurements, cell aggregate simulations were run with CompuCell3D, and a mechanical model for mammary duct self-organization was developed.

Using this model, Shahrokhi simulated conditions that could describe the transition from localized to invasive breast cancer. They then proposed hypothetical breast cancer treatments with the simulation results. To conduct this research, they were awarded the SURF Rose Hills Experience Fellowship from UC Berkeley’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Scholarships.

Saam Shahrokhi's educational career includes a B.S. in Chemical Engineering and a B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. Saam also studied Physics and Chemical Engineering at UC Irvine.

Saam Shahrokhi reports to Eitan Fischer, CEO. Saam Shahrokhi works with Robert Yaman - Director Of Operations, Xiao Guan Radstrom - Director of Cell Line Development, and Fuad Haddadin - Vice President, Bioprocess.


  • Chief of Staff to the CTO

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