Montana State University

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Montana State University is ranked in the top tier of U.S. research institutions by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Located in Bozeman Montana, Montana State is an accredited land grant university offering bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in 150 fields of study.




Org chart

Waded Cruzado

Waded Cruzado

Deborah Blanchard
EVP, Academic Affairs & Provost
Robert L. Mokwa
EVP for Academic Affairs & Provost
Chris Murray
President & CEO, MSU Foundation
Terry Leist
VP for Administration & Finance
Chris Kearns
VP for Student Success
Sreekala Bajwa
VP for Agriculture
Michael Trotter
Interim VP for Information Technology
Tracy Ellig
VP of University Communications
Jason Carter
VP for Research, Economic Development & Graduate Education
Cody Stone
Executive Director, Extension
Leon Costello
Director of Bobcat Athletics