Moshe Tress


Growing up amidst the dynamic pulse of New Jersey, Moshe Tress uncovered his love for art amid the diverse landscapes and bustling streets of the Garden State. From an early age, his fascination with shapes, colors, and the captivating realm of art seamlessly intertwined with his identity.Moshe's artistic quest began amidst the ever-evolving urban mosaic of New Jersey. These early encounters with a rich spectrum of vibrant hues and diverse textures laid the foundation for his burgeoning artistic identity.Immersing himself in the art world, Moshe sought solace and inspiration within New Jersey's prestigious art institutions. Here, enveloped in the enigmatic realm of abstract expressionism, he refined his craft under the guidance of experienced mentors.His artistic essence blossomed from the harmonious union of vivid palettes and intricate textures. Each brushstroke was an eloquent portrayal of his inner musings and sentiments. Moshe's canvases emerged as reflective mirrors of his soul, inviting viewers into a boundless realm of interpretation.Within the confines of his New Jersey studio, amidst paints, brushes, and works in progress, Moshe embarked on an artistic odyssey. Each canvas stroke sparked a dialogue between imagination and the abstract world awaiting capture.Moshe Tress's artistic allure transcended studio walls, captivating audiences in galleries and exhibitions. His abstract creations stirred emotions, prodded introspection, and sparked wonder in those who immersed themselves in his art.For Moshe, art was more than just paint on canvas; it was a quest to translate unspoken emotions into abstract forms, traversing unseen realms and untold emotions.

Behind the scenes

How we work

Our purpose

At our core, we aim to express emotions and provoke thoughts through abstract art, transcending traditional boundaries to evoke a sense of wonder and introspection.

What makes us unique?

Our art isn't just a blend of colors on canvas; it's a testament to emotions translated into abstract forms. We strive to create a dialogue between the unseen and the felt, offering viewers an immersive experience beyond the tangible.

How we work

Our process is driven by passion and creativity. We delve deep into the essence of emotions, allowing them to guide each stroke and texture, crafting art that resonates on an emotional level.

Our favorite tools

While brushes and paints are our essentials, it's the fusion of emotions and abstract forms that truly fuels our artistic expression.

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