National Archives


The National Archives and Records Administration is an independent agency of the United States government charged with the preservation and documentation of government and historical records. It is also tasked with increasing public access to those documents which make up the National Archive.





Org chart

Colleen Shogan
Archivist of the United States

Colleen Shogan

Jay Trainer
COO & Acting Executive, Agency Services
Valorie Findlater
Chief Human Capital Officer
Pamela Wright
Chief Innovation Officer
Damon Nevils
Acting Chief Acquisition Officer
Hannah Bergman
Acting General Counsel
Monica M. Woods
Chief of Staff
Brett M. Baker
Inspector General
Chris Naylor
Executive, Research Services
Christopher Eck
Executive Director, National Historical Publications & Records Commission (NHPRC)
Oliver Pott
Director, Office of Federal Register
Erica Pearson
Director, Equal Employment Opportunity EEO Program
Mark A. Bradley
Director, Information Security Oversight Office ISOO
William P. Fischer
Director, National Declassification Center NDC
Scott Levins
Director, National Personnel Records Center St. Louis
Michael Thomas
Director, Information Security Oversight Office
Allison Olson
Director, Preservation Programs
Shawn Morton
Acting Director, Congressional Affairs
Kara Blond
Executive, Presidential Libraries
Meg Phillips
External Affairs Liaison