Dino De Luca

Growth at Neodata Group

Dino is an experienced executive manager with a solid background in leading business development, sales, projects and people. This has been acquired during extensive technical and managerial international career for both multinational enterprises - as Nokia Networks and Huawei - and small startups.

His range of horizontal experience and competences includes different kinds of business segments and models: consultancy, system integration and software development, SaaS/cloud, B2B and B2C digital services, consumer electronics, telco infrastructure, AI, big-data, digital advertising and services.

In 20+ years he has contributed to set-up, build and consolidate new business areas, with concrete and tangible results in terms of targets achievement, customers satisfaction and high motivation of his team members.

A relevant point in common between his past experiences - and a strong key point in his approach - is the ability to discover and explore, with a pioneering mindset and methodology, new challenges and contexts interesting for expand, enhance, or build from scratch, business opportunities.

Good communication skills and attitude in building and maintaining relationships in complex ecosystems complete his profile.


  • Growth

    Current role