Zhengji Zhao

HPC Architecture & Performance Engineer at NERSC

Zhengji Zhao is a high-performance computing (HPC) consultant at NERSC (2007 - ). She specializes in supporting materials science and chemistry applications and users at NERSC. She was part of the NERSC7 (Edison, a Cray XC30) procurement, co-leading its implementation team. She also worked on developing or extending the capability of workloads analysis tools, such as system performance monitoring with NERSC's SSP benchmarks, library tracking (ALTD), and application usage analysis automation. Additionally, she is a member of the NERSC application readiness team, helping users port their applications to many-core and GPU platforms using parallel programming models such as MPI, OpenMP, OpenACC, and CUDA Fortran. Most recently she has worked on bringing the checkpoint/restart capability to the NERSC production workloads in collaboration with the DMTCP developers. She is a co-PI for a Berkeley Lab Directed Research and Development project that is designed to demonstrate the performance potential of purpose-built architectures as a potential future for HPC applications in absence of Moore’s Law.