
1 follower

Regional telecommunications company in the area of Cologne and Bonn (Germany) Operator of an own telecommunications network and full service provider in all areas of communications – voice, data and Internet Region of Cologne and surrounding municipalities (Rhein- Erft-Kreis, Leverkusen, Rh... Read more





Org chart

Timo von Lepel

Carsten Link
Head Of IT Operations
Jan Reiter
Head Of Digital & IT
Thomas Henritzi
Head Of Network Engineering & Design
Stephan Panier
Head Of Customer Experience
Thomas Wolters
Head Of Operations
Claus van der Velden
Kaufmännischer Geschäftsführer / CFO
Christoph Görlich
Head Of Human Resources
Fikret Yildirim
Head Of Direct Sales & Head Of Retail Bei Net Cologne Gmbh
Daniel Kaufmann
Product Owner Digitaler Service Assistent
Natalie David
Product Owner
Andreas Rechmann
Abteilungsleiter Technical Product Development
Marcus Steinbach
Leiter Content Delivery Server & Dienste (ned)
Matthias Gruber
Technical Product & Service Designer
Roland Blaum
Abteilungsleiter Service Delivery