The Research and Animal Care Team at NMMF is dedicated to advancing the health and welfare of marine mammals through comprehensive research and meticulous animal care. This multidisciplinary team conducts scientific studies, oversees health and training programs, supervises internship opportunities, manages conservation initiatives, and provides essential veterinary care to ensure the well-being of marine life. Their collective efforts contribute to the organization's mission of enhancing and protecting the lives of both marine mammals and humans.
Barb Linnehan
Director of Animal Health & We...
Brian Quigley
Biologist - Senior Research As...
Dayna Beagle, RVTg
Veterinary Technician and Labo...
Dorian Houser
Director of Conservation Biolo...
Erika Putman
Director of Internship Program...
Forrest Gomez
Director of Conservation Medic...
Jessica Sportelli
Marine Bioacoustic Scientist
Kayla Nease
Research Assistant
Kelley Winship
Mark Beeler
Director of Animal Care & Trai...