Yong Jie Yeoh (He/Him)

Full Stack Engineering Intern at NodeFlair

A full stack engineering intern in NodeFlair, currently learning more about data engineering and machine learning.


Singapore, Singapore

Work style

How I prefer to work

Remote & Office


Mostly in a team

Qualities I value in my colleagues

  • Ownership
  • curiosity
  • self-motivation
  • efficiency
  • adaptability

My communication style

  • Open
  • thoughtful
  • genuine
  • articulate

My pet peeves

  • Laziness
  • gossip
  • selfishness

Fun fact

Visit me at yeohyongjie.com

Personal Q&A

  • What part of your job gives you most energy?

    Seeing the results of my hard work!


  • Full Stack Engineering Intern

    December 1, 2022 - present