Morgan Lillegård

Kommunikasjonsdirektør CIO at Nofima

Morgan Lillegård has a diverse work experience in the field of communications and journalism. They started their career in 1981 as a journalist at Troms Folkeblad, where they worked for five years and held various roles, including being responsible for the district office in Sørreisa. They then moved on to work as a desk journalist at Verdens Gang in 1998 before joining Bladet Tromsø as a news editor. With 19 years of experience at Bladet Tromsø, they also spent some time as a desk journalist in VG, Oslo. They later became the communication director (CIO) at Nofima in 2013. Prior to that, they worked as the communication head (COS) at Tromsø kommune from 2007 to 2012. They were also the managing director at Nordnorsk Kommunikasjon from 2006 to 2007.

Morgan Lillegård's education history is as follows:

In 1979 to 1981, Morgan attended Finnfjordbotn videregående skole, where the field of study is not mentioned.

In 1981 to 1982, Morgan pursued a history (grunnfag) course at UiT- The Arctic University of Norway.

In 2008, Morgan briefly studied Bedriftskultur at Høyskolen i Tromsø.

In 2010, Morgan took a course in Emne i omdømme - reputation at UiT- The Arctic University of Norway.

In 2018, Morgan attended BI Norwegian Business School for two separate courses: Digital forretningsforståelse and Emne: Digitalisering.

In 2023, Morgan is expected to enroll at BI Norwegian Business School for a course in Styrekompetanse.


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