Norges Bank Investment Management


Norges Bank Investment Management manages the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global, often referred to as the Norwegian Oil fund. The fund is invested worldwide in equities, fixed income and real estate, totaling around 8,200 billion kroner (1 trillion dollars). Their mission is to safeguard and... Read more


Oslo, Norway




Org chart

Nicolai Tangen

Trond Grande
Chief of Staff & Deputy CEO
Birgitte Bryne
Chief Technology & Operating
Dag Huse
Chief Risk Officer
Mie Caroline Holstad
Chief Real Assets Officer
Malin Norberg
Co-Chief Investment Officer, Asset Strategies
Carine Smith Ihenacho
Chief Governance And Compliance Officer
Pedro Furtado Reis
Co-Chief Investment Officer, Equities
Marthe Skaar
Chief Communications & External Relations Officer
Ada Magnæs Aass
Chief Human Resources Officer
Frank Thorbjørnsen
Global Head Of Business Delivery Teams
Cindy Xue
Operation Manager APAC
Jannike Haneborg
HR Strategic Lead