Rob Lalumendre is the vice president of Operations.
Following a successful career of project management in construction and maintenance industries, Rob joined Olivet on the building services team in 2008. Rob’s leadership capabilities immediately stood out, and he quickly moved into a role as assistant director of the Physical Plant. When Rob took over as director in 2017, the transition was almost seamless. In 2019, Rob also took responsibility for the department of Public Safety and was promoted to executive director of Facilities and Safety. That same year, Rob was named Staff Member of the Year.
During his career at Olivet, Rob managed $23 million in capital projects, including a $6 million renovation project for Wisner and Reed halls simultaneously; he helped launch a green initiative in building services to standardize procedures and reduce chemical usage; he secured a grant from Keep America Beautiful to increase recycling capacity on campus; and he serves as chair of the Campus Space Committee.
Current role