Chris Prijic

Co-Founder & CTO at Orbee

Chris Prijic is Orbee’s Co-Founder and CTO. He has over a decade of technical experience across multiple engineering disciplines. Chris was instrumental in transitioning the Company from its initial hardware and software platform for used car photos to the powerful digital marketing stack the company has today.

Chris founded the UAV Forge senior project at UCI, where he built a team of over 60 engineers and computer scientists across 5 majors and delivered three different working UAVs over the course of one year, plus securing recurring annual funding to provide the project with materials. He also built control systems for the Heterogeneous Adaptive Maritime Mobile Expeditionary Robots (HAMMER) research project at SPAWAR to build U*Vs that can complete missions successfully through cooperation, including arial, surface, and submersible vehicles.

Chris spends his time building teams that make dynamic, customer-focused technical solutions by pioneering modern technologies in cloud-native and open-source communities. His approach brings modern, data-centric and elastic solutions to the Automotive industry.



  • Co-Founder & CTO

    Current role