Yannick Perrenet

CTO & Co-Founder at Orchest

Yannick Perrenet is the CTO and co-founder of Orchest. Yannick has previously worked as a scientific software developer intern at SIM-CI Holding B.V., a subsidiary of Alliander. At SIM-CI, Yannick increased the value of the advanced simulation platform by adding probabilistic interactions between infrastructure entities, leading to an expanded customer portfolio for SIM-CI.

Yannick has also gained experience in the Python ecosystem and teaching others through their work as Chief Course Developer at Creating Insights University. There, they developed and taught a 5-day Python course on data analysis to financial consultants and bankers. Discussed topics included Python internals and packages from the PyData stack, e.g. matplotlib, pandas and sklearn.

Yannick has also worked as a data science intern at Dutch Analytics and as a mathematics tutor at Bijlesbureau StudentsPlus Nederland.

Lastly, Yannick has experience as a climbing instructor, having worked at De Klimmuur from March 2015 to March 2017.

Yannick Perrenet has a Master's degree in Applied Mathematics from Delft University of Technology. Yannick also has a Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics from the same school. In addition, they have a Certification from the British Council in Advanced Certificate in English (CAE) - C1 Advanced. Yannick also has Certifications from edX in edX Verified Certificate for Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python and edX Verified Certificate for Programming with Python for Data Science. Finally, they have a Certification from MIT Professional Education in edX Verified Certificate for MITProfessionalX DSx Certificate.

They are on a team with and Danique Sipkes - Operations Manager. Yannick Perrenet reports to Rick Lamers, CEO & Co-Founder. A direct report to Yannick Perrenet is and Rasmus Wennerström - Software Engineer.


  • CTO & Co-Founder

    Current role