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OrthoPediatrics is the Worldwide Leader in Pediatric Orthopedics. They are the first company whose total focus is helping children with orthopaedic conditions and injuries by providing the surgeons who care for them with anatomically appropriate implants.





Org chart

David Bailey
President & CEO

David Bailey

Fred Hite
Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer
Gregory Odle
President, Scoliosis
Joe Hauser
President, Trauma & Deformity Correction
Daniel Gerritzen
EVP, Legal & General Counsel
Mark Karshner
Senior Vice President of International Sales
Mallory Trusty
VP of OP Experience
Fady Rayes
Vice President Of Product Development And Marketing
Ray Garrison
Senior Vice President Of Quality Assurance, Regulatory Affairs, & Clinical
Emily Stegner
Vice President Of Training & Education
Mark Serafino
Vice President, Enabling Technologies Marketing And Business Development
Joy Goble
Vice President Information Technology