B.Sc. in Economics, Actuarial Sciences, and Financial Sciences from the University of Barcelona, and M.B.A. and M.Sc. in Financial Management from ESADE Business School, he acted as the Chief Financial Officer of ORYZON from 2003 to 2007, prior to which he was responsible for the first integrated business technology company creation program developed by a Spanish government. Currently, he is the Chief Executive Officer of INVEREADY ASSET MANAGEMENT, S.G.E.C.R., S.A., and President of the Inveready Financial Group, companies of which he has been the founding member and of which he is currently the largest shareholder. He is a member of the Board of Directors of more than 30 technology companies, such as MASMÓVIL IBERCOM, S.A. (a company listed on the Continuous Market of which he is the Vice President), AGILE CONTENTS, S.L. (a company listed on the Alternative Equity Market), ORYZON GENOMICS, S.A. (a company listed on the Continuous Market), ATRYS HEALTH, S.A. (a company listed on the Alternative Equity Market), AB - BIOTICS, S.A. (a company listed on the Alternative Equity Market of which he is an independent director and member of the Audit Committee), PALOBIOFARMA, S.L. or AUDAX RENOVABLES, S.A. (a company listed on the Continuous Market); being an independent director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of the latter.