Kevin Wadalavage

Training and Quality Consultant for Outreach & the Outreach Training Institute at Outreach

Kevin Wadalavage has worked with Outreach for 36 years, helping build its foundation as one of the earliest members of the agency’s team. Since 2010, he has focused exclusively as the Training and Quality Consultant for Outreach and the Outreach Training Institute (OTI). In this role, he has provided his expertise as a lecturer and developed much of OTI’s current training curricula with dozens of State-approved trainings on file.

Over his nearly four decades with the agency, Wadalavage helped launch numerous programs including agency’s the earliest form of OTI. He was also one of the Institute’s first CASAC lecturers when its course catalogue expanded to current and aspiring counselors.

During his tenure at Outreach, as a Vice President, Wadalavage managed both the Greenpoint and Richmond Hill outpatient programs. In addition, he represented the agency both in the field and with State agencies and committees including the Addiction Technology Transfer Provider Workgroup, the New York Certification Board and various NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS) work groups for Credentialing, Treatment Outcome Studies, Evaluation Systems, and Assessment Protocols.

A frequent presenter at addiction and mental health conferences, Wadalavage also worked on several Federal research trials, participating in practice/research collaborations funded by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

Recognized internally as well as in the industry, Wadalavage received the 2013 Addiction Treatment Professional of the Year Award by the New York State Addiction Treatment Providers Association. He currently is a member of the NY State OASAS Clinical Advisory Panel.

Wadalavage holds a Master’s Degree in Counseling, and is certified as a New York State Credentialed Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselor, Master Addiction Counselor, National Certified Addictions Counselor and a New York State Licensed Mental Health Counselor.