Marcel Byrd

Consultant at Paradigm

Marcel’s passion for diversity, equity, and inclusion is a natural extension of their background working across sexual health, harm reduction, and reproductive justice movements. As a consultant on the Training & People Development team, Marcel uses their extensive background in facilitation, program development, and community activism to provide education and support around critical DEI issues.

Prior to their work at Paradigm, Marcel worked as a Capacity Building Associate at the Southern AIDS Coalition and as the Racial & Gender Justice Fellow at the National Alliance of State and Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD). In both roles, he facilitated trainings around HIV stigma, medical mistrust, and intersectionality for health department staff and community partners. He also worked to create programs to center communities most impacted by the HIV epidemic. In addition, Marcel worked as a community health volunteer at a sexual health clinic in Otavalo, Ecuador through their time with the U.S. Peace Corps.

Marcel is originally from Atlanta, and has a bachelor’s degree in Social Policy & Gender Studies from Northwestern University.