⭐️ Samantha Lincoln ⭐️

Managing Director at Paragon Ventures

Samantha Lincoln has a diverse and extensive work experience in various industries. ⭐️ Samantha is currently the Managing Director at Paragon Ventures LLC, specializing in healthcare mergers and strategic acquisitions. With 25 years of experience, they provide valuable advice to middle-market healthcare companies in sectors such as respiratory/DME, home health, long-term care, and more.

Prior to their current role, Samantha served on the Board of Directors at Lincoln Recycling for over 20 years, playing a key role in the company's operations and growth. ⭐️ Samantha also served on the Board of Directors at the American Council on Exercise (ACE Fitness), where they held the position of Treasurer. ACE Fitness is a prominent nonprofit organization focused on personal trainer and fitness instructor accreditation.

Earlier in their career, they were the Director of Business Development at Pacific Pulmonary Services, responsible for acquisitions and strategic partnerships. Samantha also held the position of Vice President at CapitalWorks, LLC, where they opened the San Francisco office and managed investments in public companies. Additionally, they co-founded and served as Managing Partner at Instream Partners LLC.

Before their venture into private equity and entrepreneurship, Samantha worked as a Vice President at McDonald & Company, a subsidiary of Key Bank.

Throughout their career, Samantha has demonstrated expertise in advising, strategic planning, valuation, due diligence, contract negotiations, and integration. ⭐️ Samantha has a strong track record in successfully driving growth and creating value for businesses.

Samantha Lincoln received their Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics and Political Science from Yale University, where they studied from 1988 to 1992. In addition, they obtained a certification as a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach from the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy Inc. in February 2019.


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  • Managing Director

    April, 2020 - present