Ben Mathewson

Research Analyst at Parker Remick

No bio yet


Work style

How I prefer to work



Mostly on my own

Qualities I value in my colleagues

  • Efficiency
  • honesty
  • creativity
  • curiosity
  • reliability

Be loyal and committed to the mission, but willing to challenge existing norms in the interests of the collective good.

My communication style

  • Polite
  • curious
  • direct
  • articulate
  • genuine

I'm not the best salesperson, but I am an excellent solver of problems and implementer of those solutions. I excel at collaborating with those who share my desire to probe, assess, and improve.

My pet peeves

  • Politics
  • close-mindedness
  • micromanagement
  • impatience
  • wastefulness

Be efficient, be clear, be honest, and most of all, be humble.

Fun fact

In addition to my work as an analyst, I'm a volunteer mentor with my Alma Mater, a mathematics and statistics tutor, and an avid sailor.

Personal Q&A

  • What was the last book you read?

    "Statistical Modeling: A Fresh Approach", by Daniel Kaplan


  • Research Analyst

    Current role