Pablito O. Lim

CFO, Compliance Officer at Paxys Inc

Mr. Pablito O. Lim 62 years old, Filipino, is the Chief Financial Officer of the Group since 2013 and the Compliance Officer of the Company. He was the former CFO of Stellar Philippines, Inc. and Stellar Global Solutions Philippines, Inc. Prior to joining the Group, he was the CFO of Brightpoint Italy and served as an Audit Executive in Sycip Gorres Velayo & Co., a member firm of Ernst & Young. He is also concurrently a Director of some of the Company’s subsidiaries such as Simpro Solutions Philippines, Inc., Scopeworks Asia, Inc. and Paxys Realty, Inc. (formerly known as Paxys Global Services, Inc.). He is a Certified Public Accountant and completed the Executive Development Program and the Management Development Program at the Asian Institute of Management.

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