Peak Design

1 follower


Peak Design is a design company that engineers professional grade camera accessories for photographers of all types and abilities. It is on a mission to enable photographers, adventurers, and outdoors enthusiasts to better capture the beautiful world around them. They do this by designing and buildi... Read more





Org chart

Peter Dering
Founder & CEO

Peter Dering

Adam Saraceno
Head, Marketing
Art Viger
Head, Design
Tom James
Head of Product
Ryan Dulon
Head, Sales
David Anhalt
Head, Finance & Operations
Annie Nyborg
Head, Environmental & Social Impact
Mark Wang
Head, Business Technology
Jen Flaxman
Head, People
Lawrence Lander
Head, Brand
Max Maloney
Director, Design Engineering
Wheeler Gans
Director, Design Engineering, Mobile Products
Joey Cunningham
Director, Soft Goods Design
Bridget Sciamanna
General Counsel & Intellectual Property Attorney
Peter Lockett
Principal, Soft Goods Product Operations
Christine Zona
Senior Manager, Retail Operations
Victor Murillo
Senior Manager, Video Production & Executive Video Producer
Luke Roberts
Senior Sales Manager, EMEA & APAC
Andrew Stoner
Senior Web Strategy & Experience Manager
Dan Chimienti
Sales Manager, Americas & LATAM
Alex Wong
Retail Store Manager
Chris Mark
Manager, Backend Engineering
Sofia Silva
Partnerships Manager, Americas