Minoru Takeda

Independent Director at Phoenix Petroleum

Minoru Takeda, Japanese, is the Chairman of aNew Energy, an advisory company for renewables and liquified natural gas (LNG); as well as Senior Advisor of GLX LNG, and LNG trading platform company). He is also a Director of Oxalis Chemicals KK and Senior Advisor of Uyeno Kosan KK.

He was with ExxonMobil for 22 years and with Royal Dutch Shell group for 14 years. He was the Chairman of the Board of Showa Shell KK, Country Chairman of Shell Group of Companies in Japan, and General Manager of Shell Upstream International in charge of the ASEAN and India LNG market development. For Mobil Oil Corporation, in addition to holding key positions in Japan, he was Director of Mobil Oil New Zealand and has experience in Global HQ Downstream Corporate Planning. He also spent over four years in Deloitte as Partner of Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting, and served as Chief Executive Officer of Deloitte Tohmatsu Corporate Finance. He holds Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from Keio University and a Master of Science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management. He was a visiting researcher at Harvard University, Energy and Environmental Policy Center.