Port Newark Container Terminal

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Ports America has the expertise to manage the handling of all types of cargo. In a typical year, we handle more than 12.7 million TEU, 4.3 million vehicles, 8.9 million tons of general cargo and 1.6 million cruise ship passengers.

Org chart

James Pelliccio
President and CEO

James Pelliccio

Chris Garbarino
Chief Operating Officer
Markus Braun
Chief Financial Officer
Daniel Magrino
Director - Marine Operations
Mark Ficarra
Director, Business Development And Customer Service
Mike Sullivan
Rail Ops Manager
Joe Fracchiolla
Power Shop Manager
William Gannon III
M&r Terminal Manager
Hamish MacBeth
Operations Planning Manager
Jon Demattia
Nicholas Lauria
Yard Superintendent
Domenic Sidoti
Vice President Information Technology
Charlie Ferlisi
Director Of Engineering & Equipment Services