Ports America, Inc.


Ports America is proud to be the largest terminal operator and stevedore in the United States, operating in more than 42 ports and 80 locations.





Org chart

Matthew Leech
President & CEO

Matthew Leech

Joe Greco's profile picture
Joe Greco
Vice President, Containers
Luke Doremus' profile picture
Luke Doremus
Vice President, Auto/roro
Steve Loevsky
Vice President, Cruise
Jeff Frost's profile picture
Jeff Frost
Vice President, Financial Planning And Analysis
Joyce Papa Lawrence's profile picture
Joyce Papa Lawrence
Sr Vice President/chief Human Resources Officer
Don Daniels' profile picture
Don Daniels
Chief Accounting Officer
Rob Kusiciel
Chief Commercial Officer (cco)
Kathryn Daniels
Board Member
Tom Saunders
Head Of Government Affairs
Katherine H. Bennett
Senior Vice President, General Counsel
Javier Itriago
Vice President Port Development & Infrastructure
Deli Torna
Executive Assistant At Ports America For PNCT President & CEO
Dr. Sharifa Batts
Vp. Environment & Sustainability
Theresa Esparza
Chief Accounting Officer
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