Purespring Therapeutics


Purespring Therapeutics is an AAV gene therapy company focused on the kidney globally.




Org chart

Moin Saleem's profile picture
Moin Saleem
Co-founder & Chief Scientific Officer
Julian Hanak's profile picture
Julian Hanak
Chief Development Officer
Alice Brown's profile picture
Alice Brown
Chief Scientific Officer
Amanda B.
Contract Manager
Evangelia Ttofi's profile picture
Evangelia Ttofi
Head Of IP & Legal
Marzena Murawska
Head Of Programme Management
Pille Harrison
Vice President Clinical Development
Richard Truran
VP Development
Robert Morgan
Vice President Regulatory Affairs
Tony Bou Kheir
Head of Analytical Development and QC
Sachin Kelkar
Chief Financial Officer
Peter Mulcahy
Chief People Officer
Charlotte Smerdon
Senior Director Clinical Operations
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