Francis Vernon Queen Neto

VP, Executive of Ethanol, Sugar & Bioenergy at Raizen

Francis Vernon Queen Neto. Mr. Neto holds a degree in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo. In 2008, Francis assumed the position of CIO of the Cosan Group, coming from Accenture do Brasil. In 2010 he was appointed Executive Director responsible for Cosan’s Shared Services Center. With the formation of the Raízen joint venture, he took over the management of Raízen’s Shared Services Center. In 2017, he became Vice President of Ethanol, Sugar and Bioenergy Operations. One year later, he assumed the Executive Vice Presidency of Sugar, Ethanol and Bioenergy of Raízen, coordinating more than 23 thousand employees in the 26 sugar cane producing units.