Luis Bonilla Ortiz-Arrieta

Senior Consultant, Partnership Strategy at Resilient Cities Network

Luis Bonilla Ortiz-Arrieta is Senior Consultant for R-Cities. He brings over 10 years’ experience in improving informal settlements, popular habitat, and community development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Luis was Director of the Central Office of TECHO International, and has worked in various countries in the region, such as El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Mexico, and Haiti. He has been a consultant for different regional and international organizations, and was an advisor to the Forum of Ministers and Highest Authorities of Housing and Urban Development of Latin America and the Caribbean (MINURVI). He was part of the Group of Experts for the preparation of the Regional Action Plan for the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean, prepared by ECLAC and UN-Habitat.

Luis is an economist with a master’s degree in Latin American Political and Social Studies, and is an active member of the CLACSO Urban Inequalities Working Group.