Richard Spanier

President and CEO | Ross Group Inc | MemberzPlus | Performance One Data Solutions at Ross Group

Richard Spanier began their career in 1985 as a Senior Software Engineer at GTE, where they were responsible for network interfaces for telecom network management and billing system (NETSCAN). In 1990, they joined TYBRIN Corporation as the Director of Commercial Systems. In 1995, they joined Ross Group Inc as President and CEO. In this role, they were responsible for creating the vision and long-range strategic plan for the company and executing to significantly grow market share for current and potential new products. Richard was also responsible for the MemberzPlus suite of services, which provides services to membership organizations. Additionally, they were Sr. VP of Club Solutions, where they built enterprise membership and CRM applications for the club/association market.

Richard Spanier received an AAS in Business Administration from OWJC in 1977-1979, followed by a BS in System Science from the University of West Florida in 1979-1983.


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