Seegene INC.

1 follower

[INTRODUCING OUR COMPANY] The people of Seegene are on a purposeful mission to improve the world we live in. We aim to improve the quality of life for everyone globally by bringing molecular diagnostics to the masses. Molecular diagnostics is the most effective method to accurately diagnose ailment... Read more


서울, KR




Org chart

Jun Kim
Executive Vice President I Global Head Of SG Onesystem Business
Jun Yong Ha
VP Of Global Buisiness
Miyoun Lee
Group Lead Of America Sales
Diaa Eldin Hassan
Regional Business Manager | Sales And Marketing - Menap
Hae Jung
General Manager
Yonghun Lee
Finance Manager
Mingyu Kim
Assistant Director(부장)_italy CFO
Seung In Ahn
Director, Strategic Business Development
Christine Seulki Kim
Senior Manager
Ja Ho Yoon
Sr. Manager
Jeong-Eui Lee
General Manager
Myung Kim
Sr. Manager - Consolidation & External Reporting
Seok Jun Kang
Overseas Operations Group Head
Hyun Shin Park
Manager (mandatory Military Service)