Sponsors for Educational Opportunity


For over 50 years SEO (Sponsors for Educational Opportunity) has been an innovator in education, mentorship, positive peer pressure, high standards, and networks to turn untapped potential into newfound greatness. Every SEO participant is not on the same journey, but all are hungry for opportunity.





Org chart

William Goodloe
President & CEO

William Goodloe

Mindy Davis
SVP & Managing Director, SEO Career
Andrew Fairbairn
Senior Vice President
Catherine Finneran
VP, SEO Scholars, College
Millie Hau
VP, SEO Scholars, High School
Vijay Sandhu
VP, Finance
Rene Goldberg
VP, Information Technology
Patricia Diaz-Swedin
VP, People & Culture
Kyoung Lee
VP, People & Culture
Omar Wandera
Executive Director, SEO Scholars, San Francisco
Colin Shay
Senior Director, Executive Initiatives & Projects
Alison Soler
Director, Development
Thaina Gonzalez
Director, Executive Office & Board Relations
Carolyn Conover
Director, Marketing & Communications
Eldridge Gilbert III
SVP, SEO Scholars