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SMT pioneered the first real-time scoring and wireless data system on television. SMT, headquartered in Durham, N.C., has divisions in Jacksonville, Fla., Fremont, Calif., and London, England. Within its 300-plus staff, SMT has an internal R&D capability that stimulates the development of proprieta... Read more




Org chart

Gerard J. Hall's profile picture
Gerard J. Hall
Founder and CEO
Profile photo

Gerard J. Hall

Kirk Brown's profile picture
Kirk Brown
Chief Operating Officer
Ron Harnek's profile picture
Ron Harnek
President, Jacksonville Operating Division
Rallis Pappas' profile picture
Rallis Pappas
Corporate Vice President
Patricia G. Hopkins' profile picture
Patricia G. Hopkins
Corporate Vice President, Marketing and Branding
John Dengler's profile picture
John Dengler
Corporate Vice President, Software Technology
Hans Weber's profile picture
Hans Weber
Corporate Vice President, Research and Development
Robbie Louthan
SVP, Business Development
Paul Podkulski
VP, Technology
Brian Wulber
VP, Durham and Fremont Operations
Jim Ingalls
VP, Jacksonville Operations
Marv White
Senior Technical Advisor
Bala Lakshminarayanan
VP, Engineering
Lee Brinson
VP, Client Services, Durham Division