Ross Kenney

Developer at Solspace Inc

Ross has been building websites and web apps since 2007 and was a longtime Solspace fan before getting recruited in 2022. He is having a blast as part of the team, whether he’s diving into challenging new projects, managing tricky integrations, or patiently debugging complicated code. He’s served a very wide variety of clients, including local governments, large universities, and numerous businesses. One of his favorite projects was the USA Cycling site, he loved being a part of their mission to support all things bicycle, including the US Olympic teams. Ross has a long list of solid skills, including Craft CMS, Laravel, SQL, JSON, Vue JS, TailwindCSS, PHP, HTLM5, SCSS, Vanilla Javascript, Webpack, and Vite. He’s experienced with DevOps, having set up servers and CI/CD on AWS, DigitalOcean and Linode.


  • Developer

    Current role