Loy A. Haynes

Regulatory Consultant, Non-Attorney at Spiritus Law

Tony Haynes is a non-attorney Regulatory Consultant. Tony supports the firm’s federal regulatory practice as alcohol producers and distributors encounter new regulatory issues resulting from emerging COVID-19 business interruption and required operational changes. Tony brings vast experience as a governmental consultant advising on licensing and compliance matters relating to alcohol manufacturing, importation, and distribution. He is a former chief of the National Revenue Center under the U.S. Treasury's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), now known as the Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau (the “TTB”), one of many positions he held during his 32-year tenure with the ATF. Tony's experience includes assisting with federal licensing and permit processing, trade practice investigations, and excise tax auditing. Haynes has also assisted with drafted rulings, industry circulars, and policy and procedure papers that are current today. He has knowledge and experience in the qualification and maintenance requirements for federal permits, compliance matters, and the resolution of administrative cases resulting from federal investigations of the liquor and firearms industries. *Not admitted to the practice of law.

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