Sport Aberdeen


Adventure Aberdeen offers a range of exciting outdoor and adventurous activities from venues in the heart of the city, Kingswells, and Cromdale in scenic Speyside.




Org chart

Kerryn Mcrae's profile picture
Kerryn Mcrae
HR Business Partner
Graeme Dale's profile picture
Graeme Dale
Head of Sport & Active Communities
Hugh Black's profile picture
Hugh Black
Group Estates Manager
Stephen Quigley's profile picture
Stephen Quigley
Health, Safety & Environment Manager
Val Mackie's profile picture
Val Mackie
Insights & Performance Manager
Dianne Breen's profile picture
Dianne Breen
Programme & Membership Services Manager
Kim Mcrobbie's profile picture
Kim Mcrobbie
Active Schools & EDI Manager
Lois Barnard
Group Operations Manager
Jenna Forrest
Leisure Attendant
Emma Murray
Communications Manager
Matthew Garden
Digital Marketing Coordinator
Rebekah Walker
Gymnastics Coach
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