Helen Jones

Governing Board at St. Boniface's Catholic College

Helen is a former student at Notre Dame and joined the Governing Body in 2019 as a Foundation Governor. Helen spent most of her working life in the Pensions and Investment sector, initially as a technical assistant and subsequently as a Sales Support Manager before retiring from full time employment in 2016.

Helen is married to a retired teacher and is a practising Catholic. She appreciates all types of music and enjoys performing as a solo vocalist or with groups of people. Helen had the pleasure of being part of the Notre Dame choir when they performed ‘Seven Last Words’.

As someone who benefited enormously from being a former student, Helen feels it is important for the school to continue to ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn in a place where they feel secure, have a sense of belonging and achieve their full potential whilst promoting Christian attitudes

Helen is the Lead Governor for Safeguarding and the Link Governor for the Open Faculty.


  • Governing Board

    Current role