Rafael Art. Javier

Professor at St John's University

Rafael Art. Javier is a Professor of Psychology and the Director Inter-agencies Training and Research Initiatives and the Post-Graduate Professional Programs at St. John’s University. He also functioned as the first Director of the Center for Psychological Services and Clinical Studies at St. John's University for almost 20 years. He is currently on the faculty and a supervisor at New York University Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry, and the Object Relations Institute. Prior to joining St. John’s University, he was the head of psychology at Kingsboro Psychiatric Center and on the faculty at Downstate Medical Center.

Dr. Javier has presented at national and international conferences on psycholinguistic and psychoanalytic issues in research and treatment and on ethnic and cultural issues in psychoanalytic theories and practice, including on issues of violence and the impact on general cognitive and emotional functioning. He has published extensively on the subject including several co-edited books: “Reaching Across Boundaries of Culture and Class,” “Domestic Violence” and “Personality Development and Psychotherapy in the Diverse Society: A Source Book” all published by Jason Aronson. The “Patterns of desire: Sexual diversity in psychoanalysis,” coauthored with Dr. William Herron was published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. in the spring 2006. Early in 2007, he was the senior editor for the “Handbook of Adoption: Implication for Researchers, Practitioners and Families” co-edited with Amanda Baden, Frank Biafora and Alina Camacho-Gingerich, published by Sage Publications. Another book scheduled for publication by the fall 2007 is “The Bilingual mind: Thinking, Feeling and Speaking in two Languages,” to be published by Springer Publications.

He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, the Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless, and the Journal of Infant, Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy. He is Associate Editor for the Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless and was recently appointed as the Associate Editor for the Journal of Psycholinguistic Research. His current research activities include issues of violence and moral development, suicide in adolescents and young adults, and bilingualism. He is in private practice. He holds a diplomate in psychoanalysis by the American Board of Professional Psychology and another diplomate in clinical psychology by the same board. He was also awarded a diplomate of the American Board of Psychological Specialties with a Forensic Specialty in Psychological Assessment. It was issued by the American College of Forensic Examiners.

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  • Professor

    Current role