St. Mary's Seminary & University


St. Mary's Seminary and University is a Roman Catholic seminary located within the Archdiocese of Baltimore in Baltimore, Maryland; it was the first seminary founded in the United States of America after the Revolution.




Org chart

Philip J. Brown
President Rector, Vice Chancellor, Ecclesiastical Theological Faculty

Philip J. Brown

William E. Lori
Chairman & Chancellor
Paul A. Maillet
Vice Rector
D. Brent Laytham
Dean of St. Mary’s Ecumenical Institute
Elizabeth L. Visconage
SVP of Administrations and Advancement
Victoria V. Semanie
VP for Finance
Emily Hicks
Director of Academic Resources
Leelamma Sebastian
Director of Pastoral Formation
Bruce A. Baumgarten
Director of Communications
Arryn Milne
Director of Information Services
James M. Starke
Director of Liturgy
Innocent Smith
Director of Spiritual Life Programs
Thomas Raszewski
Director of the Knott Library
William L. Burton
Professor of Sacred Scripture

Board & advisors