

GRC, Compliance, Risk Management, Information Security. We make managing GRC more approachable. Organizations around the world use StandardFusion to quickly and easily manage information security risk, compliance, third-party / vendors operational risk, and more.

Org chart

Mirek Pijanowski's profile picture
Mirek Pijanowski
Co-founder and CEO
Profile photo

Mirek Pijanowski

Luka Bogdanovic's profile picture
Luka Bogdanovic
Director Of Business Development
Madeleine Guenette
Director Of Operations
Nick Boariu's profile picture
Nick Boariu
Marketing Director
Ryan Phillips
Director Of Customer Solutions
Blake Michalzik's profile picture
Blake Michalzik
Software Developer
Leon Zhen
Software Developer
Ronald Liang
Software Developer
Roy Budiantara
Software Developer
Ryan Liang
Software Developer
Tyler Massicotte
Software Developer
Zenen Hornstein
Software Developer
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