David Calkins

Chief Science Officer at Stuart Therapeutics

David Calkins, Ph.D., serves as Stuart Therapeutics’ Chief Science Officer, and is the Vice-Chairman and Director for Research for the Vanderbilt Eye Institute and the Denis M. O’Day Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences for the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, where he has been a member of the faculty since 2004. He also is Director of the Vanderbilt Vision Research Center, home to over 50 vision scientists. Professor Calkins completed his Bachelor of Science in Pure Mathematics from the University of Michigan Honors College, and his Doctorate in Neuroscience from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Professor Calkins is a leading authority on the neurobiological basis of vision loss in blinding eye disease, neuroprotection and regenerative medicine for conditions that affect the retina and early visual pathways. He is also a recognized authority in the synaptic organization of the retina and early visual pathways as it relates to structure-function relationships and visual perception.


  • Chief Science Officer

    Current role