SummitWorks Technologies


SummitWorks Headquartered in South Plainfield, New Jersey (U.S.), Summitworks, is a global innovation and services company that helps clients digitally transform in the areas of business, marketing, and technology.

Org chart

Profile photo

Hemant Sharma

Anupam Goswami's profile picture
Anupam Goswami
Executive Vice President
Sanjay Sanyal's profile picture
Sanjay Sanyal
VP Operations
Anand Dubey's profile picture
Anand Dubey
Director, Technology Services
Muthusudalai Rajan's profile picture
Muthusudalai Rajan
Manager - Talent Acquisition
Prashant G
Manager Human Resource
Sahil Bhat
Technical Recruiter / OPT HIRING
Vidya S
Manager - Recruitment