Brian Levy

Advisor at TalentCheetah

Brian has over 25 years of experience as a project management executive and organizational strategy coach.

He is the President of BridgePort Digital, an organizational optimization firm specializing in bridging the gap between strategic goals and strategic execution. He looks forward to leveraging his deep client experience to evangelize the TalentCheetah mission.

While others in the industry avoid metrics, Brian has been able to consistently improve business productivity by over 30% within 3 to 6 months of operation, verified with predefined metrics, by aligning an organization’s performance management processes to the appropriate strategic approach.

Brian’s real joy is in putting his Scrum@Scale Trainer expertise to use in the classroom. That joy is often realized when he trains underrepresented minorities in careers related to software development or partners with his 10-year- old daughter to explain management by acceptance concepts.