Telecom Egypt


Since its establishment in 1854, Telecom Egypt has played a pivotal role in driving growth within the local ICT market capitalizing on its vast infrastructure, which is one of the largest in the region. Its vast domestic and international infrastructure has helped it serve various customer groups in... Read more




Org chart

Adel Hamed
Managing Director & CEO

Adel Hamed

Tarek Abdelrahman
Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, Consumer
Mohamed Al-Fowey
VP & Chief Technology Officer
Yasser Fouad
Group IT Director Business Support Systems & Enterprise Application Management At Telecom Egypt
Mohamed Abukrish
Chief O&M Officer
Mohamed Mansour
Chief Operating Officer
Karim Youssef
VP, Human Resouces
Mohamed Abotaleb
VP for Commercial
Eslam Nassar
Digital Marketing General Manager